
Lenka Slámová a Lukáš Sláma, The North Bohemian Research Library Team of librarians April 4, 2021 Chess in Art aneb královská hra v umění napříč staletími Chess in Art entices you to a unique walk through eight centuries of artistic depiction of this royal game, which...

Kelver Vera

Kelver Vera, Torre 64 – Ajedrez Internacional FIDE Master June 8, 2020 Chess in Art: un libro con mucha historia (vídeo), por Kelver Vera Chess in Art a book with a lot of history. A unique book of its kind, highly recommended for lovers of painting and history....

Verity Babbs

Verity Babbs, Art Plugged History of Art graduate from the University of Oxford, artist consultant, writer, and podcast host. February 21, 2021 Chess in Art – Peter Herel Raabenstein Raabenstein has created a beautiful, weighty and very satisfying book. Even without a...

George Bertoly

George Bertoly, Europe Echecs Lead editor of Europe Echecs June 6, 2020 A very interesting book for art lovers which brings together works that you will certainly enjoy discovering....

Sergey Stanovkin

Sergey Stanovkin Director of Dars Consulting, Head of BBC Advertising Regional Offices February 17, 2020 I would like to say “sorry” to my friends. I would not pass this book to them as a present. I am going to keep the book “Chess in art” for myself and...